SSL issues


May 8, 2005
I am on a managed cloud VPS, and yesterday thru a chat with one of the support people, I got many of the domains on my server sorted out. The root of the tree is fine (my server), the biggest branches are okay, with one exception, and many of the smaller limbs. Most of my sites in those smaller branches are static pages. Mostly informational.

I do have three forums on there (big branches). One is not under my direct control unless I log in as root. It's fine. It's the two others that I need help fixing.

One has mixed content. Much of the site has http linked in it (photos, web sites from early on, etc) with no real way to fix all of them.

The other has a static homepage at the founder's request. (I'm the tech admin on it because she has no real working knowledge of the back end of a forum and even less in html). That page is okay, but the forum linked to it isn't. is the static page. I need to figure out how to fix the .htaccess for this part:

I've read the threads I could find here but it's escaping me. I'm not getting it and I hate to screw things up. Any help?


May 8, 2005
Have you enabled the image proxy system in XenForo?
Make sure ACP -> Options -> Basic Board Information -> Board URL uses HTTPS for the URL.
There is also a utility available that allows you to modify post content system wide on the forum, but it does use a PCRE regular expression for search/replace.
XF 2.0 version
XF 1.0 version
This would be beneficial for those links to sites on your forum that are hard-coded HTTP and that the image proxy doesn't catch.
Yes, to the image proxy and yes, to the basic board info. I fixed that just after we_are_borg posted. Got lost later in the thread. For some reason, editing PHP scares me far more than editing HTML ever did.

Thank you for posting the find and replace addon. While it is an addon, it functions much like find and replace does in html editors. And those are invaluable.


May 8, 2005
On my BF site, I figured out all the places to fix. It is now showing a green lock on the site.
And I figured it out on the other. That was a fair easier issue. I just edited the static home page and put in the S in the https on all the links in that page.


Mar 17, 2019
I have my cpanel that does the SSL installation on every added domain. I have also used the Cloudflare SSL so that's another option you can use.