Anti virus


May 4, 2021
I liked to use free Antiviruses for many years, like Windows Essentials and AVG Antivirus, and then to manually fix any viruses that were too tough for those free services. But then around 2010 I got a super tough virus, called something like Google Search. It randomly messed with my Internet Browser and then eventually that virus or another one crashed my computer to the point where even Windows Recovery would not clear up the problem. I may be misremembering the specifics. But Norton Antivirus was one of the few ways to actually solve this problem, and Norton did actually fix it where I had tried multiple methods otherwise. So for the last ten years I have been using Norton.

I would actually prefer to rely on a free service, but nonetheless I had that bad experience and since getting Norton there has never been a virus that I can recall that got through it and ruined my computer in an unfixable way like last time. "Fingers crossed" though as far as Norton is concerned- some day that could change and something could get through it.